Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Those special handprints

Last Friday my dad was having concrete poured for their hot tub.  Due to Winston being sick and not attending school we were able to zipped down and put a few handprints in the new concrete.  Who doesn't love new concrete?  It was all I could do to not write my name in it.  Like my mom had told me, I was only responsible for taking pictures since she had to be at work and miss the big event. 

For Alyee this was her first time making a handprint in concrete.  If you have been to our house, you will know that Josh and I love concrete and love making sure the kids always place a hand or even a few footprints in it.  For me a hand or footprint is just one way of being able to remember all these wonderful moments with my children after they grow up and leave.

The boys watching as the concrete get poured

Dad and his help

Dad giving the kids a little practice before doing the big slab

Before we were able to leave, the boys had to go looking for teasures

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