Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lucky #7

As I watched Winston enjoy his birthday it made me realize just how fast time gets away from us.  It doesn't seem possible that my oldest child could possible be 7!!!  It was written all over his face just how much he enjoyed his birthday. 

First up, Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast (his FAVORITE)!!
Next, a great day at school with friends, treats and heads-up 7up
Last but not least, an evening full of family, pizza, cake and gifts!!

"It was my favorite birthday" he told me as I tucked him into bed and kissed him good-night. 

Petco was all I needed to see to realize that Winston was going to get the 1 thing he wanted most of all, A LIZARD!!!  I think after talking with everyone he must have asked all his Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and even cousin Hayden!!  He was going to get that lizard one way or another. 

Meet Tuna!

Alyee had about the same reaction I had, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME"!

Treats and Games with his classmates.


Make sure you think of a good wish.

Trying out a birthday gift.

1 comment:

  1. So crazy that our boys are already 7...I agree with you, where did time go? Way to go on the lizard...let me know how that one goes for you guys. Jace has been talking about "reptile" pets lately too and I'm just giving it some time! I'm sure he'd love it though, maybe Xmas. And he has Nancy for his teacher!!! I love her, we go to First Pres. together :) Great lady and I'm sure a very wonderful teacher.
