Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Chrome" is Alive

A few months back, Hans was working at the shop with his Grandpa when he discovered something tucked way in the back of the shop.  He managed to haul it out and push it all the way outside to show his Grandpa what he had found.  It was "Chrome", Josh's old motorcycle from when he was a kid.  After some debate, Grandpa told Hans he would get it fixed and running so he could ride it.  Well that day came yesterday. 

When Josh and I got back from our quick trip to Seattle, we found both our boys out riding a motorcycle.  I'm not sure if I was completely ok with the fact that they were now on 2 wheels, rather than 4, but the smiles on their faces seem to tell me they are both ready.

Thank you Grandpa!!  It just goes to show why it is so important to take care of what we have, you just never know when it might be needed again.

Please don't turn us in, the boys do own helmets and will be wearing them from NOW ON!!  Besides, they weren't going much faster than if they were riding their peddle bikes.


  1. oh fun! jake and i had a good laugh at your blog last night with the lip curl and the curlers....we loved it!

  2. Seriously are your boys old enough for that. I think I would have had a heart attack. You guys have way too much fun!!!

  3. oh my goodness - what fun!! the adventures continue :) sending you all a bunch of love!!
