Friday, July 23, 2010


 Yes that's right, the Roberts' family has a new boat on the lake.
Ok, so maybe it's not my dream boat, which is in Richland and will take me winning the lottery, but it's a boat.  Last weekend the family boat died.  We are hoping to have it fixed before the summer is over but for now look for the Roberts' in their NEW BOAT!!

The boys and dad had some fun before having to head back to the farm and check water.

Alyee enjoyed the sand and shade

To my surprise, Winston has taught himself how to do a flip off the dock.  Now if that's not enough for a mom to have a heart attack you tell me what is.

Grandma Sally always has something tasty for the kids to enjoy for the ride home.


  1. oh those are the cutest pictures! you take such good pics!

  2. Love the new boat! The boys keep asking us to get one and that would be the perfect size!
    Sorry to tell you this, but they get more dare-devilish as they get older. I am sure you already know that, but you could say I have been experiencing some heart stopping moments too...involving motorcycles. Deep Breath and lots of praying.
