Monday, May 3, 2010

~ Bittersweet ~

This past week my dear grandma passed away.  I feel so thankful to have had such a wonderful grandma through all the years.  She is already dearly missed by all of us but I am so thankful that she is rejoicing now.  Grandma was an amazing woman, she made each and everyone of us grand kids feel so special in our own ways.  I am going to miss her and missing being able to talk with her and share all the new and exciting things that I am learning as a mother and as a wife.  I loved listening to her tell us stories about raising 6 boys and having grandpa to keep in line also.  I looked up to her and admired everything about her.  My cousin Lindsay does the most amazing job of describing her, Rejoicing, please read it, it is inspiring.

With loss, brings laughter and good memories.  Throughout the weekend we spent time talking about the good times and enjoying some much needed family time.  What a crazy family Grandma helped create.  It was truly a wonderful weekend and so much fun to watch all the kids play like all us old cousins use too.  Funny how fast time goes by.

The boys have convinced Grandpa that Grandma had to go first for 1 important reason.  She needs the head start if she is going to convince the good Lord to let Grandpa in the gates of Heaven.
  He always said he was the black sheep.

There was a lot of playing

Travis put the small kids to work by letting them crank the homemade ice cream.  Grandma's favorite treat.

These 2 reminded Cousin Christine and I so much of ourselves growing up.  Sharing is such a hard thing to learn.

Look at the funny people...  oh ya their family.

Hans thought it was so cool how he found a chair in a tree.

It's not a complete trip to Grandpa and Grandma's without walking through the barn and seeing the baby calves.


  1. Sorry to hear about your Grandma Freeman. She was a sweet lady and she and your grandpa have always reminded me of my grandparents. I remember years of going to their farm for 4-H livestock judging. They both devoted so much to 4-H, FFA and the fairs. Along with all of their time and help to the community, what a wonderful legacy she left! Freeman's are just great people :)

  2. oh man ... all I can say is we're all better people because of her!! A life well lived!

    LOVE the pictures of your time together!

    So good to see you all yesterday ... a true celebration of life!!

    Blessings & love ~ Linds
