Saturday, May 21, 2011

Boys and Dirt

Last week we made a stop by some friends house after the boys baseball game.  As Josh and I sat and visited with them we looked out at all the laughs and saw pure happiness in all their faces.  A whole field of dirt, what more could a kid ask for. 

It has been brought to my attention, that I am the mom on the side line encouraging my boys to get as dirty as they can during their baseball games.  Yes, I am that mom telling my boys that they better be sliding becuase sliding is a must in baseball!!  So, when I saw how much fun they were having I took the opportunity to help them get better at their slides.  Oh boy did they LOVE that. 

As for Alyee, she was completely in her own world doing her own thing.

1 comment:

  1. Way too fun! Your boys are just like my boys. Although I am the mom who wants them to stay clean. I feel like I do way too much laundry as it is. They never stay clean though. Just as well embrace it!
