Monday, July 26, 2010

Skyfest 2010

Sunday was an eventful day full of good time spent with friends and family.  We loaded up and headed to the Army Base in Spokane for a spectacular airshow with many different types of planes including
The Thunderbirds. 

There was a special fly by of the Stealth Bomber. It was incredible how quiet and thin it was. They also showed us how they deliver fuel to a plane on the go. It was a show full of information and lots of fun things.

We even got to see a car with a jet plane engine in it race down the airstrip.  It was FAST!!!!

Before the Thunderbirds, we watched an assortment of fighter planes fly around and by us.  The kids thought it was pretty neat.

At 3, it was finally Thunderbird time.  So absolutely impressive and AMAZING how these planes are flown so in sink with one another. 

Thanks Brent and Deidra for the GREAT time.  It's always an adventure and we can't wait to see what the next one is. 


  1. wow .. what an impressive show!! Glad you had such great weather for a GREAT show!!

    Fantastic pics too :)

  2. awesome pics havila, those are amazing!
