Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

For New Year's we spent it with our dear friends The Weber's. We had the most enjoyable time playing games and laughing about what this next year will bring to all of us. It was the first year where Josh and I spent it with the kids in bed sleeping, which I must say was very fun. But before we put the kids to bed we did make our New Year's Resolutions. We all seemed to make fairly doable ones with the exception of my husband. I'm afraid he is going to have to work a little harder at his.

Josh - Get thin in 2010
Havila - Be more frugal and look for all those bargains
Winston - Build a robot
Hans - Grow tall enough for all of Disneyland rides
Alyee - Hopefully get potty trained

We hope everyone else has the most amazing Year. Happy 2010 to everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome resolutions. We have the same one Havila! We put our kids to bed early too. I figure we should enjoy it, because it won't last too much longer.
